Sunday, 3 February 2019

Video - Mauser M03 - It Never Misses!

I don't think I've shared this video before. The shooter (not me!) is very familiar with his beautiful Mauser M03, a Deluxe or Arabesque model by the looks of it. I have a Deluxe too, but unfortunately mine doesn't make the whoosh noise each time I raise it to my shoulder. Pity. I'd quite like that. Enjoy! :-) Rick.


  1. Hello friends , I have a question about Mauser rifles.
    What is the difference between model M12 and M03? In general i cant decide between Sako 85 Grizzly and Mauser m12 (m03). Which one is better? I'm afraid about Sako ejection problem and unwillingness of Baretta to resolve problem.

  2. Hello U. The main difference between Mauser’s M03 and M12 rifles is that the M03 allows barrels to be interchanged.The M12 has a fixed barrel of the calibre you choose, much like most other rifle brands, though, its barrel is sweated in a permanent fitting process into the receiver, not screwed. It’s hard to say which one is better - both are Mausers and provide excellent hunting utility. The M03s cost more and are considered to be a premium product, while the M12s were introduced with marketing indicating Mauser was catering for the mass market. What is the same is that both are quality products that will serve a hunter well.

    There are several technical differences between the two systems. Apart from the interchangeable vs fixed barrel difference, a main one is scope mounting. The M03 uses a proprietary, detachable (and expensive) selection of scope mounts, while the M12 uses the same types of mounts as any Mauser model 98 rifle, which could be fixed or detachable, according to preference. Another difference is that the M12 has a traditional ‘Safe-Unload-Fire’ type of safety, while the M03 has a decocking style of safety mechanism, common amongst quality German and Austrian rifles. I very much prefer the latter approach (M03), as ‘Safe’ means the action is decocked and cannot fire, rather than how it is done with the M12 and most other rifles, where the action is cocked and then blocked mechanically.

    Both M03 and M12 are capable of excellent accuracy. The M12 is simpler and could be less fussy to own and use. However, M03 users enjoy the features that come with its more complicated design: interchangeable barrels and decocking safety being the main ones.

    Have you watched all of Mauser’s YouTube videos on these two rifles? I nearly wore the M03 ones out when I was choosing. 🙂


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Regards, Rick.