Thursday, 24 March 2016

Mauser M03 - 300m Accuracy with 270 Win

I spent several hours at the rifle range today, firing test shots at 100m and 300m with my Mauser M03 rifles, to work out which of the ASV+ rings to use with the Zeiss Victory HT scopes. First, zero the rifle at 100m, then re-zero at 300m and count the clicks between. Compare the number of clicks with the ballistic curves presented in the Victory HT instruction manual and choose one of the nine turret rings supplied with each scope.

The results with my barrels were:

Factory Ammunition - Remington 180gn Core Lokt - 18 clicks (= 18cm at 100m or 1.8 Milliradian)
Hand Load - 180gn Nosler Ballistic Tip & 56.5gn of 2209 -16 clicks

270 Win:
Factory Ammunition - Norma 150gn Spire Point - 16 clicks
Hand Load - 150gn Berger VLD Hunting & 52gn of 2209 - 15 clicks

Hand Load - 140gn Nosler Accubond & 46gn of 2209 - 14 clicks
Hand Load - 130gn Berger VLD Hunting & 46gn of 2209 - 12 clicks

The picture below shows the three shot group I fired at 300m with the 270 Winchester barrel, using the 150gn Berger VLD Hunting hand load listed above. Shot separation is about 39mm. This was with a 10x scope. I'm calling this very good accuracy, particularly for a hunting weight rifle with a standard profile barrel. (Edit - it's 0.5 MoA at 300m in fact - not bad!). When I see my next big boar I'm going to ask it to stay still while I back away a few hundred metres and bowl it over from there.

Three shot group fired at 300 metres with Mauser M03 in 270 Winchester - Berger 150gn VLD Hunting bullets


  1. ADI's AR2209 is better known as Hodgdon's H4350, as Hodgdon buy it from ADI along with most of their temperature stable range

    1. Thanks for this Royal. I didn't know that about Hodgdon, but it makes perfect sense. The Australian ADI AR powders were specifically developed with temperature stability as a design criterion. 30+ years ago Aussie shooters were keen on the US powders. 4350 and 4064 were favourites, but these days we all use the ADI powders. They're made for our conditions and they really are good. :-)


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Regards, Rick.