Sunday, 24 August 2014

Mauser M03 Deluxe - Photos

This weekend was all about doing maintenance on my trusty old Landcruiser. Saturday - changed the front and rear differential oils, topped up the gearbox and transfer case and adjusted the handbrake. Sunday morning - checked the wheel bearings. By the time I'd tidied up and scoffed some lunch it was getting a bit late to head out hunting. Not to mention how stiff and sore I was from crawling around under that Landcruiser. But, the late afternoon was ideal for a few photos of my new Mauser M03 Deluxe. This is Mauser's Grade 5 walnut.

I've included at the bottom photos of a selection of stocks, taken by Mauser while my Deluxe was being made. They were sent to Miall's Gun Shop and then to me, so I could nominate an order of preference. Upon ordering the rifle I was asked if I had a general preference and 'Dark wood with stripes' was sent to Germany on my behalf. Stocks Nr. 1 and Nr. 2 are plenty dark, but after some deliberation I put Nr. 3 first, which is dark and light, with colour and stripes. I had quite a smile on when I opened the shipping box a few months later, to see the complex grain of Nr. 3 with my own eyes. :-)

Mauser M03 Deluxe with Kahles K624i


  1. Can somebody tell me how I can fully disassemble my Mauser M03 that at the end I have only the wood rifle stock? May be has anybody a description with pictures?

    1. Hello. The first thing to do is remove the butt stock. Under that you will find a long screw that secures the receiver to the stock. Undo that, along with the screw up at the front of the receiver and the receiver can be removed from the stock. I'll post an exploded diagram and some pictures of the disassembled rifle later today. :-) Rick. In the meantime try this image:

    2. Here's a link to a post on the Nitro Express forum, with useful pics of an M03 disassembled.

      In the exploded diagram I posted in my comment above, yesterday, you can see the screws that hold the butt plate in place. They appear to be Phillips head screws in that diagram. Good luck and let us know how you go. :-)


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Regards, Rick.