Sunday, 6 July 2014

Mauser M03 Deluxe


Now why would I need Lapua cases in 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser and 243 Winchester?

Because, Mauser have finished building my custom ordered M03 Deluxe with a 6.5x55 Match barrel, as well as a 243 Win standard barrel, made without iron sights.

When working out what to order I liked the look of the M03 Deluxe used by Byron Pace in this video.

And I liked the accuracy of the M03 Match demonstrated by Ben-Andre Nilsen in this video.

A combination of the two, in 6.5x55, should do me well, for long range shooting with a Kahles K624i on top. I'll post pics and videos of these new additions to my Mauser M03 system in a few weeks.


  1. Hello again, Rick! :) I guess we did the same thing then, bought ourselves some beautiful Mauser M03s! What are the specs of yours? :) On mine I choose a basic action with grade 5 stock and got one with beautiful, black veins in the front portion of the stock, a nice, wild pattern in the back portion and subtle flaming all over. As it is a Mauser I also ordered it with open sights and a set trigger. I am stoked as hell! The only thing I don't like about it is the caliber. I choose 30-06... It's an alright caliber, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't feel... german, haha! I think that will change once the 8x68s gets here :)
    Simen Næss

  2. Hello Simon. That Mauser M03 of yours sounds beautiful. I do particularly like the dark woods that Mauser uses. From the photos I have seen of the wood being used for my Deluxe, it sounds a lot like yours, with splashes of lighter colours throughout. Flaming is a good way to describe it. I think you will enjoy the 30-06 caliber - it is a classic - with a rich history and widely appreciated. I understand that it is one of the favourite choices in Scandinavia and Germany now, due to its fantastic versatility and wide availability of ammunition. I have had great results with the 30-06s I have owned. But the beauty of the M03 is that you can swap the calibre so easily, say to a 9.3x62 or 8x57 - calibers with a rich European history and great performance. Or 8x68 - wow, what a cracker that is. Enjoy and please keep me and the readers here informed on how you go with your new Mauser. Regards, Rick.

  3. About keeping you and the readers informed, is it possible to get an email address to which I could send you pictures of the rifle and possible game? You have my permission to post them on the blog if you want :) And I could give a review about the rifle myself, so that people get a different point of view on the rifle, one from the warm country of Australia and one from cold Norway. Since there is two very different types of how one approaches hunting in these countries, it could reach more people, you know? Tell me what you think :)
    Simen Næss

    1. Good idea Simen. It would be great to get the Norwegian perspective. I've tried contacting you but Google+ keeps being tricksy. Please try to PM me via the MauserM03Blog channel on you tube.

    2. I've sent you a PM on Youtube, I hope you received it, as I'm looking forward to a possible collaboration on "promoting" the M03. It is a rifle that needs more attention than it already gets!

    3. Hi Simen. For some reason I haven't seen the PM on YouTube. I can see your page on Google+ but can't add to my circles. Perhaps if you could 'follow' the Google+ page for MauserM03Blog - that might work. Or simply follow this blog - might also work. Regards, Rick.
      p.s. My M03 Deluxe has arrived - the wood is beautiful; the engraving is delightful. Very happy. :-)


Your comments and questions make this blog much more interesting. You can submit them for moderation here via your Google account, or take them over to the Mauser M03 Blog - Discussion Forum (link at top of page). If you do comment here I'll publish it and reply as soon as possible. Please check back soon. Thanks.
Regards, Rick.