Saturday, 15 February 2014

Once upon a time when the internet was broken

In late 2013 our internet was down for what turned out to be two months. !!! My children rediscovered books, playing cards and board games. Our family rediscovered conversation. No, my wife and I are not expecting a baby in 2014.

I took the opportunity to tackle some projects I'd had on the back burner for ages. The most interesting was doing a full bedding job on my old Remington 30-06, if only to see if that would fix its 'side of a barn' accuracy problems. This gave me an excuse to buy a really cool Dremel in a deluxe kit, the one with lots of tool bits and the flexible extension for DIY home dentistry.

As with the Dremel, I always read instructions carefully and did once more before mixing the DEVCON-A. I read them again several times during the days of preparation for the frightening moment when I would lower the barrelled action into the sticky goop of no return. I might have to write a separate blog about how that all went, but with a picture being worth a thousand words, here's the first group I fired, at 100m, with sub-optimal hand loads prepared years ago.

Yes, that's a three quarter inch group, or 19mm, centre to centre, from a light rifle with a skinny barrel, wearing the same old Loopy 2-7 that clearly has nothing wrong with it. Better still, the third hole is the middle one, made like the other two by 150gn Remington Core Lokt projectiles, which are great on game but not renowned for their accuracy.

I was justifiably proud of my efforts and promptly declared myself a rifle bedding genius, whereupon my wife, equally promptly, suggested that perhaps I didn't need a new rifle or scope after all. Hmmm … Strategic blunder. Tactical retreat. Go silent. Go deep.

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Regards, Rick.